How to Remove Mold From Attic Plywood: Ultimate Guide

It can be very disheartening to climb up into your attic and find mold lurking on the plywood in your attic. So how do you remove mold from attic plywood?

Remove mold from attic plywood by mixing together one part bleach to three parts water in a bucket or spray bottle. Completely saturate the moldy plywood and scrub. Let the bleach solutions sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Allow the plywood to dry completely using a dehumidifier and fans.

How to Remove Mold From Attic Plywood

In this article, we’ll discuss mold on plywood in the attic, how to identify a mold problem, the health risks associated with exposure to mold, and how to remove mold from attic plywood. We’ll also provide prevention tips to help keep your attic free of mold.

Many building materials provide suitable nutrients that encourage mold to grow. Wet cellulose materials, including paper and paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood, and wood products, are particularly conducive for the growth of some molds.


How to Remove Mold From Attic Plywood

Mold is a common problem that can occur in any area of your home, including the attic. If you have mold on the plywood in your attic, it’s important to know how to remove it safely and effectively.

Here are some reasons why you might want to remove mold from your attic plywood:

  • Mold can cause respiratory problems and other health complications.
  • Mold can damage the structural integrity of your home.
  • Mold can lead to higher energy bills as a result of reduced insulation values.
  • Mold can attract pests and other insects.
  • Mold can cause damage to your belongings stored in the attic.

If you’re concerned that you may have a mold problem in your attic, it’s important to address it immediately to halt its growth and prevent it from coming back.

You’ll need protective equipment such as rubber gloves, bleach-safe clothing, a bleach solution, and a little elbow grease.

Important to point out is that the EPA does not recommend using bleach to kill mold, so you’ll want to use your own discretion when deciding which mold-killing solution is right for you.

With that said, bleach is a commonly used mold killer. Yet if you’d prefer a solution that is less corrosive, vinegar is a wonderful alternative that also kills mold.

Not only does vinegar kill mold, but it is a natural order neutralizer. Any musty, mildewy smell you may have will disappear along with the mold when using straight, white vinegar.

And don’t worry, as the vinegar smell disappears once it dries.

What Causes Mold in the Attic?

Common causes of mold in the attic are as follows:

  • Poor ventilation in the attic can lead to increased moisture levels, which can create favorable conditions for mold growth.
  • Moisture from leaks or condensation can also promote the growth of mold in attics.
  • High humidity levels caused by poor insulation or other factors, such as inadequate air circulation, can also contribute to mold growth in attics.
  • Dampness and an accumulation of organic material, such as leaves, twigs, and dead animals, can create ideal conditions for mold spores to thrive in attics.
  • Insufficient cleaning and maintenance of the attic space may also increase the risk of mold growth, as accumulated dust and debris provide a fertile substrate for mold spores to take hold and proliferate.

How to Get Rid of Mold in the Attic

Follow these steps to get rid of mold in the attic:

Step 1. Locate All Traces of Mold

Start by inspecting your attic for signs of visible mold or moisture damage, such as water stains or discoloration on the walls or ceiling.

Step 2. Use a Dehumidifier

If you find any signs of mold, use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in the attic and help prevent further growth.

Step 3. Time to Scrub

To get rid of existing mold, use a mixture of bleach and water to clean affected areas on the walls and ceiling. Be sure to wear protective gear, such as goggles and gloves, when working with bleach.

Step 4. Determine the Cause of the Mold

Once the mold is removed, it’s important to address any underlying causes that may have contributed to its growth in the first place, including leaky pipes or poor ventilation in the attic space.

Step 5. Plan Routine Attic Checks

Finally, be sure to regularly check your attic for any new signs of mold growth and take steps to maintain a dry environment in order to prevent it from recurring in the future.

With a little effort, you can have a clean attic again and prevent any future mold and mildew from coming back.

Signs of Mold in the Attic

Signs of mold in the attic include but are not limited to:

  • Mold growth in the attic may appear as visible colonies of fuzzy or slimy-looking fungus.
  • A musty odor
  • Dampness and/or visible water damage to walls, ceilings, or floors
  • Stains on insulation
  • Discoloration or rotting of wood framing
  • Excessive condensation on windows and pipes
  • Increased energy bills for your home.

If you notice any of these signs in your attic space, it is important to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further mold growth and associated health risks.

You may need to enlist the services of a professional mold remediation specialist in order to fully eradicate the mold and prevent its return.

If the area of mold is contained in a 10-square-foot space, then you should easily be able to tackle cleaning the mold yourself.

If, however, you’re dealing with a serious mold infestation, you’ll absolutely want to call the professionals.

Mold can destroy the structure of your home, so the cost of hiring mold specialists will help protect your investment in the long run.

The chief cause of attic mold is poor ventilation. Particularly in cold climates, when homeowners heat their homes in winter, hot air tends to escape through the attic.


What Does Black Mold Look Like on Plywood?

Black mold is a type of fungi that can grow on different types of surfaces, including plywood. This mold is often dark green or black in color and can have a velvety or fuzzy appearance. When black mold grows on plywood, it can cause the wood to rot and weaken.

Mold can release spores into the air, which can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals. Black mold is sometimes difficult to spot, but there are a few telltale signs that it may be present.

These include discoloration of the wood, musty odors, and the presence of small black spots.

If you suspect that black mold is present, it is important to take action immediately.

The best way to remove black mold from plywood is to use a commercial cleaner designed specifically for this type of fungi.

Once the mold has been removed, it is important to make sure that the area is well-ventilated to prevent the mold from returning.

Is Mold on Plywood Dangerous?

Any type of mold has the potential to cause serious health problems, especially for people with allergies or respiratory disorders. Mold on plywood is no exception. As wood is a natural material, it is very porous and provides an ideal environment for mold to thrive.

Once mold takes hold, it can be very difficult to remove, and the plywood may need to be replaced.

In addition to causing health problems, mold can also degrade the structural integrity of plywood, making it more susceptible to rot and insect infestation.

For these reasons, it is important to take immediate action if you suspect that there is mold on your plywood.

A professional inspector can help you determine the extent of the problem and develop a plan for remediation.

Black Stains on Plywood in the Attic

The black stains on the plywood in your attic are most likely due to mold. Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in moist, dark environments, and attics often provide the perfect conditions for mold growth.

If you suspect that mold is present in your attic, it’s important to have the area professionally inspected.

A qualified inspector will be able to confirm the presence of mold and recommend the best course of action for removal.

In many cases, mold can be safely removed with specialized cleaners or cleaning solutions you can make at home by simply scrubbing the affected area.

However, in severe cases, it may be necessary to replace the affected materials.

Either way, it’s important to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your home.

Mold In Attic From Roof Leak

When water leaks through the roof, it creates an ideal environment for mold to grow. The mold spores can then spread through the attic, causing health problems for the occupants of the house.

In some cases, the mold can even cause the roof to collapse. Therefore, it is important to repair any roof leaks as soon as possible.

If you suspect that there is mold in your attic, you might want to consider contacting a professional to have the problem addressed.

Harmless Black Mold in the Attic

While black mold is often found in the attic, it is not necessarily harmful. Black mold is a type of fungi that can grow in damp, dark environments. Although it is not poisonous, it can cause respiratory problems for some people.

If you have black mold in your attic, you should take steps to clean it up and prevent it from growing back.

To clean black mold, you don’t necessarily need to purchase a special cleaner from a hardware store. Bleach, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide (3%) all kill mold, and you may have these items in your cupboard already.

Once the mold has been cleaned up, you should take steps to improve the ventilation and reduce humidity in your attic to prevent it from returning.

How to Test For Mold in the Attic

The first step to testing for mold in the attic is to check for visible signs of mold, such as discoloration on walls or ceiling tiles. If you see any suspicious patches, it is important to test them for mold. This can be done using a simple home test kit, which can be found at most hardware stores.

If the test comes back positive for mold, you should remove it immediately to prevent it from returning.

8 Ways to Prevent Mold in the Attic

There are several things that you can do to prevent mold in the attic. Prevention is key to keeping your family and the structure of your home safe.

Below are 8 ways to prevent mold in the attic:

Regularly Inspect the Attic for Mold

Inspecting your attic regularly is an important part of keeping your home safe and clean. mold can grow quickly in attics, due to the high levels of humidity. If left unchecked, mold can cause structural damage to your home, as well as respiratory problems for you and your family.

A regular inspection will allow you to catch any mold growth early before it has a chance to spread.

Attic inspections can also help you identify any potential sources of moisture, such as leaks from the roof or windows.

By addressing these issues, you can help to prevent future mold growth. Regular inspections are the key to maintaining a healthy and safe home.

Inspect the attic regularly for signs of mold growth, such as discoloration, musty odors, and visible patches of mold or mildew on walls or other surfaces.

Find and Seal Leaks

One of the best ways to prevent mold in the attic is to find and seal any leaks. Leaks can come from a variety of sources, including plumbing, HVAC, and roofing. Even a small leak can allow enough moisture to seep into the attic to create the ideal conditions for mold growth.

In addition to sealing leaks, it’s also important to keep the attic well-ventilated. This will help to prevent dampness and condensation, which can also lead to mold growth.

Use a Dehumidifier

One of the best ways to keep your attic free of mold is to use a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers work by removing moisture from the air, making it difficult for mold spores to take hold.

Dehumidifiers also help to reduce musty odors and prevent wood rot.

Turn on Exhaust Fans

Use exhaust fans to ventilate the attic during times when moisture is likely to build up, such as after showers or cooking meals.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Adequate ventilation in the attic is important for several reasons. It helps to prevent the build-up of heat, which can lead to premature degradation of the roofing materials. It also helps to reduce the risk of condensation and moisture build-up, which can lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

Ventilation helps to keep the attic space cooler, which can extend the life of the insulation. Finally, adequate ventilation helps to reduce energy costs by keeping the attic space cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Homeowners can help to prevent a variety of problems, including premature degradation of the roof, condensation and moisture build-up, and mold growth, with adequate attic ventilation.

Clean Attic Regularly

One of the most important, though often overlooked, parts of keeping a house in good condition is regular attic cleaning. An attic is a perfect place for mold to grow, as it is usually dark, moist, and full of organic material for mold to feed on.

If left unchecked, mold can cause structural damage to a house as well as pose a serious health risk to its occupants.

Therefore, it is essential to keep the attic clean and free of potential food sources for mold. This can be done by removing any organic material, such as insulation or old newspapers, and ensuring that the area is well-ventilated.

Additionally, it is important to regularly check the attic for signs of mold growth and to address any problems promptly.

Use a Hygrometer

Attics are prone to mold growth due to high humidity levels. Mold spores require moisture to grow and multiply, and attics often have high levels of both condensation and humidity. A hygrometer can help you control moisture issues by measuring the level of humidity and alerting the homeowner when it is too high.

By taking steps to reduce the humidity level in the attic, such as opening windows or running a dehumidifier, the risk of mold growth can be greatly reduced.

In addition, a hygrometer can also help to monitor the level of humidity in other areas of the home, such as the basement or crawlspace.

By keeping the entire home at a lower humidity level, the risk of mold growth can be significantly minimized.

Install Ridge Vents

By installing ridge vents, hot air can be released from the attic, helping to keep the temperature down and preventing mold from taking hold. In addition, ridge vents help to circulate fresh air throughout the attic, further deterring mold growth.

Proper ventilation is essential for any home, but it is especially important in attics to prevent mold growth.

Ridge vents are an easy and effective way to ensure that your attic is properly ventilated.

Can Mold Grow in Attic Insulation?

Mold can grow in attic insulation, absolutely. Mold needs three things to grow: food, water, and appropriate temperature. Most types of insulation provide food for mold in the form of organic matter. And while attic insulation is not typically wet, it can become damp from condensation or leaks.

If the temperature is also right, mold can start to grow. To prevent mold growth in attic insulation, it is important to keep the area dry and well-ventilated.

If you suspect that mold is already present, you should remove and replace the affected insulation as soon as possible.

Can Mold in the Attic Make You Sick?

Mold in the attic can cause a variety of respiratory problems, from sneezing and coughing to difficulty breathing. In people with asthma or other respiratory conditions, attic mold can trigger an asthma attack. In some cases, mold exposure can even lead to pneumonia.

The best way to avoid mold-related health problems is to prevent mold growth in the first place. To do this, keep the attic well ventilated and make sure that any leaks are promptly repaired.

You should also regularly check the attic for signs of mold and take immediate action if you see any evidence of growth.

With precaution, you can help to keep your attic safe and mold-free.


Attic mold growth is a common problem. If you have mold on the plywood in your attic, it’s important to know how to remove it safely and effectively. By following the tips for attic mold removal and mold prevention, you’ll set yourself up for a mold-free home.
